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Will be published practical prototype of Gravity Reactor soon. Look forward to it!

The Development Site

The Gravity Reactor

Real Warp System

The Truth of Gravity Reactor


Thermal Energy

Expensive / Danger

Difficult to be stable supply

Anxiety for Depletion

High Environmental impact

Vulnerable to natural disasters

Vulnerable to war risk

Gravity Wave

Free Energy / Safe / Absolute Stable

Stress free to use unlimited

Anywhere Anyone can use easily

No Environmental impact

Not influenced most of disasters

Strong for war risk

Singular Key Solution : Grow Out of Thermal Energy

The Gravity Reactor Engine

Energy Source is Gravity & Time : Realization of “Time is Money”

Gravity Generating Concept Image

Practical Product Model

Single Core Model


Output Energy100Ws
Output Energy cumulative amount360kW/h
Input SourceGravity
CO2 Emission0
Heat Emission0

Cargo Container Model


20ft Output Energy400Ws
20ft Output Energy cumulative amount1.4MW/h
40ft Output Energy800Ws
40ft Output Energy cumulative amount2.8 MW/h

Mobile Instant Power Plant Model

Overwhelming benefits

Followings below are not required at all

  • Fuels / Artificial Energy Sources
  • Restriction to place (even available on ocean / mountain / under basement / forest / jungle /desert)
  • Special facility / big construction to install
  • Operation labor / high skill to control
  • Often maintenance (inside core is completely maintenance free)
  • Natural disaster countermeasures

Not Dream but Imagine Realistic Future

What going to be?

What merit shall be with using Gravity Reactor?

  • Even in remote areas with no power grid infrastructure, you can enjoy your own urban lifestyle anywhere if Gravity Reactor was installed.
  • Even if you leave the air conditioner on all day all year, your electricity bill will not increase.
  • You will be free from the stress of the energy crisis and will no longer be forced to make energy conservation efforts.
  • Almost all of the worries and troubles of power outages can be eliminated.
  • It may eliminate the need for existing power lines, utility poles, substations and power plants, which would be a huge benefit to ordinary people.
  • By using gravity reactor and becoming widespread, most of the SDGs’ targets shall to be achieved, so you will also be freed from the obligation to make that the heavy efforts.

This “Gravity Reactor” is totally different from complex super Hi-Tech system like Dream such as science fiction which have been recognized or expected as common sense unconsciously.

Our system has been evolving by simplifying its system structure as much as possible to be effected directly from Power of Nature, so the direction of technical accumulations are also totally opposite as well.
Therefore, sooner or later, this “Gravity Reactor” will undoubtedly spread throughout the world. This is because in reality, there is no other energy generation engine that is as simple, rational, efficient, and safe as this, and in fact, no one has even tried to develop such a completely opposite direction to current Hi-Tech trend on going more complicated endless for further evolution and published with the reproducible system, clear logic and firm proofs widely.
The matter is who, when, where, how to take the initiative of promotion business using this unconventional technology.

It is The Engine that generates powerful infinite “Drive Power”

This Engine System can apply not only electrical generator but also various motive engines in various fields and types, except needed explosive speed of motive.

In the process of extracting huge torque energy, The Gravity Wave Engine is that creates a flow of water that sucks in a large amount of seawater from the front and discharges it to the rear, thereby creating a powerful ship’s propulsion force and at the same time being able to generate a large amount of power.

The larger the displacement of a ship, the higher the air pressure and water pressure will naturally be generated, and the more electricity can be generated.

Hydrogen fuel is attracting attention as a next-generation fuel as it is carbon neutral and can generate explosive power energy equal to or greater than that of gasoline engines, but a huge amount of electricity is required to generate hydrogen fuel. As a result, there is no prospect of its widespread use. However, if the electricity is to be generated by the Gravity Wave Engine, that problem can be easily solved.

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