Undeniable Actual Proofs

Wake Up and See The Reality!

Anyone can easily break

“The Law of Conservation of Energy”

By throwing away the prejudices of present modern scientific-technological theory and looking at the reality of the primitive “law of nature” which is full of energy creation, it is allowed to find out uncountable simple methods to obtain free energy by using gravity.
The key is the “Anti-Gravity Vector” that spontaneous relatively effects harmonizing power to the gravity which is that the huge power not been even recognized the existence at all ever before. And the matter is using what with and how to bring the amplification chain effects from movements of natural weight balance by the gravity and that anti-gravity force.

Method 1 : Increases Lifting Power Energy


Generates the power to lift heavy objects with a very small force by leveraging counter balancing force of atmospheric pressure (the super strong pressure that gravity presses the atmosphere onto the ground; over 10 tons per square meter)

A pump with a small output (power consumption) that generates a very small air pressure to bubbling into the shallow water for aquarium is used to lift a weight that is physically to be absolutely impossible mechanically.

As it is showing in the video, several kilograms of water is lifted by an obviously quite small sucking air pressure of just a few grams, and by holding that air pressure, it maintains to be lifted the water, and by just releasing air pressure, it is calmly down the water level. This movement is clearly proofing that not the force generated by this pump, but cause of extremely simple principle and mechanism that can utilize gravity and the reaction of gravity as it is not required to explain with precise physical calculation.

Method 2 : Chain Reaction of Syphon phenomena


Syphon phenomena is already well known as a mysterious phenomenon from long years ago, but not so known it that can occur the chain reaction.

The syphon phenomena is a convenient natural phenomenon that has been used in a wide variety of industries and daily life since ancient time, and allows the movement of large amounts of fluid easily without requiring any heavy efforts. Strangely, it has never been recognized that the syphon phenomenon has an engine function that clearly moves objects.

It is true that a single syphon phenomena only works to equalize the input water level and the output water level, so even if pumping energy is generated during that time, the element of energy amplification is extremely small, and no one has noticed about that.

However, as the video showing that it is to be able to bring chain reactions of the phenomena by the very simple piping structure and has enough space to extract water falling energy in each the chambers.

Furthermore, as it increases the number of chambers in the syphon to be inevitably increased the amount of energy extracted but since the potential energy recovery load of pumping up to the starting level of water from the end of the water level is constant, and it is obvious that the potential energy to be multiplied by numbers of chambers. and it proofs that compound interest can be used. As for the concrete model is to be shown at Method 4.

Method 3 : Boosted up lifting energy by Anti-Gravity Force & Great Discovery of Simplest Method to Generating Electricity far exceeding Nuclear

Maybe the simplest and most useful discovery in human history


As for method 1, proves that strong lifting energy can be obtained by using tiny air pressure and the reaction of strong atmospheric pressure, this principle is on the same principle by using a little powerful water pump generates boosting power up more efficiently and it is to be able to create big energy in simpler and much practical. This principle proves clearly that potential energy can be amplified inexhaustibly by utilizing the reaction of gravity.

As the video is showing at the beginning that using pump that consumes about 30 watts per hour and generate water flow to be raising the water into the air about 10-20cm high.

And after by the connecting tube leading up to a container which is put on 1 meter high, the water is to be pumped up to the container about 3 littles per minute.

That the phenomenon seems to be quite normal in general conscious, however even such a simple actual phenomenon should never has been happen in accordance with the law of conservation of energy and it is to be already violating that the strict law significantly.

That is because according to the absolute definitions of physical energy calculating is when an object with a mass (weight) of 1 kg is placed at a height of 1 meter, the potential energy must be 9.8 watts approximately 10 watts.

In another words, it means 30 watt of energy was generated in one minute by running the pump which’s energy consumption is 30 Watts per hour. And if let the pump running for an hour, 1800 watts (30 watts per minute times 60 minutes) is to be created and that is far exceed of that the law.

However, similar to the principle of Method 1, the amplified potential energy is not generated solely by the output of the pump, but the counter reaction caused by the powerful atmospheric pressure accounts for 90% of the energy creation. The reason for this is that the relative pressure difference between atmospheric pressure and water pressure is simply 10:1. The mass of 1 m3 water’s pressure is 1 ton/m2 versus that the regular atmospheric pressure is 10 tons/m2. That simple substantial power balance mechanism is easy to understand if referring to Pascal’s theorem.

Therefore, according to the established physical theory of fluid pressure power balance which is regardless of the law of conservation of energy, by just connecting simple tube or pipe to the up direction and if the lift height is 1 meter or less and under the normal atmospheric pressure, the lifting pressure is to be increased more than10 times in the leverage effect.

Living things on the ground normally live in an environment of atmospheric pressure, which is overwhelmingly stronger than water pressure, so even we as human have not been well recognized the existence yet, and not well utilizing this beneficial and powerful anti-gravity force.

In taking advantage of these quite simple, substantial and primitive principles leads to find various other methodologies to generate unlimited potential energy.

The rest of issue is figuring out how to install as many as possible of hydroelectric generators within the as lower as possible theoretically less than 10 meters practically less than 3 meters of the lifting height. Or to make it possible to generate as much as possible of torque energy to be exchanged from that gained potential energy to be able to rotate generator efficiently within the same range as well.

Method 4 : Hydroelectric Generation in multi Chain Reactions of Syphon phenomena


As described above the method 2, it is installing generator turbine in the chain reacting of syphon system.

As the video is showing, in comparison with the Method 3 that it is using one turbine generator, this can install three of same of it in under one third of the lifting height and the total generated energy is simply about tripled without any adding energy sources.

Method 5: Gravity Reactor

Flux Capacitor Warp Turbine + Generating System


This system is reasonably composed into a compact unit with all the positive features of all the methodologies described above.

However, this system’s principle of the mechanism is not easy to explain due to using multi dimensional relative theories to compose into simple physical structure.

Exam Explanation

  • Trigger pump energy consumption: 1.5W/h (watt meter value / not supplied from system feedback / Power source: General AC100V 50Hz)
  • Output Torque: 3.6 kg*cm (actual data)
  • Rotational Speed: 0.8 rpm (actual data)
  • Torque Energy: 0.03Ws : 105W/h (calculated from actual)
  • Actual Generated Electricity: 2V * 5mA : 0.01Ws : 36W/h
  • Mechanical friction loss of acceleration gear: over 60%

If the trigger power (1.5W/h) is to be Input Energy, The Output power energy is to be 105W/h at the actual Torque Energy Value, 36W/h at the actual Electrical Energy Value, either way the energy has been amplified by well over severral dozen times actually. But in the fact, the energy was not to be amplified but it is as the result that gravity wave motives increasing torque significantly by the chain reaction of that drive system.

The mysterious phenomenon that the pump’s energy consumption raise to 2.2W/h from 1.5W/h after taking connection tube off in spite of released from load of pumping up, the factor is that the pump was exposed much stronger pressure of atmospheric at that moment. And the energy for pumping up of water is spread to horizontal direction and forced to consume more energy to move more amount of water to follow direction of gravity instead of lifting of water. This phenomenon proofs that relative pressure balance can effect contrary for present three dimensional physical energy calculation.

The Simple Scale Out Model

  • Trigger pump energy consumption: 6.6W/h (watt meter value / not supplied from system feedback / Power source: General AC100V 50Hz)
  • Total Output Torque: 3.6 kg*cm * 3 cores : 108 kg*cm (actual data)
  • Rotational Speed (all cores): 0.8 rpm (actual data)
  • Total Torque Energy: 0.03Ws * 3 cores: 324W/h (calculated from actual)
  • Actual Generated Electricity: 2V * 5mA * 3 cores : 108W/h

Although the extremely simple connection method increases the power consumption of the trigger energy, it generates an amazing torque energy from an extremely small amount of potential energy (a small amount of water falling from above at only 35cc/sec).

Truly Paranormal Phenomenon


With only 40 grams of force, a 2,000 gram object can be lifted in a coaxial, constant-pressure space without using any mechanical systems such as gears, springs, magnet or moving load device. This phenomenon can be obviously called paranormal that ignoring not only the law of conservation of energy but also very basic simple power dynamics.

Japanese Version

English Version

Result Verification of Gravity Reactor

  • In this quite unique turbine system, heavy stable torque is generated to rotate generator in whole range of 360 degree slowly as absorbing gravity acceleration by continuing supply light pressure as a trigger to control bias of water flux weight.
  • All the movements are reacting smoothly relative every counter movement that is amplified by gravity leverage and it enables to generate incredible significant torque energy by extremely light trigger.
  • Absorbing gravity acceleration perfectly means relative speed going up limitlessly and that means the energy is continued to be increased by the square of its velocity as well.
  • The fundamental technical theory is too complicated to analyze with any mathematics or even hyper quantum computer because it must add much complex analog time axis on the calculating process which means different dimension. But contrary the physical structure is quite simple and very easy to scale up or scale out, and never happen to serious accident or fatal problem, and other much even better is that bigger scale makes even more simplifying the structure components.
  • Increasing the diameter of the turbine core synergistically increases circumferential speed and torque, eliminating the need for an acceleration gear to rotate the generator, further increasing power generation efficiency.


In three-dimensional physical calculations that do not take the time axis into account, the “law of conservation of energy” is absolutely correct in calculations, and it is asserted that a mechanism for self-amplifying energy, such as a perpetual motion machine, never should exist.

Certainly, a completely independent perpetual motion machine is impossible to create at the current level of human thought, but the autonomous and self-activating workings of the entire universe are composed with natural perpetual motion mechanism, and gravitational forces are one of the phenomenon effects. In other words, if there is a system that can absorb the infinite energy of gravity and convert it into power, then an autonomous infinite amplification engine should be possible to make by human. And it already have been existed as our The Gravity Reactor.
The time passing speed is absolutely universal constant, and the influence of gravity effect (source of pressure and acceleration) that reacts while the time is also universal, and that force, i.e. energy, accumulates on various forma within the time that passes in any state. By utilizing the pressure difference between fluids such as gases and liquids that have greatly different masses (weights) and the gap of effecting time by the gravitational acceleration, the “compound interest effect of gravity” can be obtained, and it is a fact that humanity has benefited from the energy amplification of gravity, a universal external force (infinite energy), since ancient times as shown by the above experimental result.

However, as common knowledge in modern science, the theory that self amplified of energy shall to be absolutely non sense, in other words, that the amount of energy itself is absolutely constant even if the form, state or actual value of energy changes, has taken as firm premise, and the adjustment theory for that actual gaps that scientists have given so far suggest that the speed at which time passes is not constant, in other words, that science fiction theories such as time machines, wormholes, and time slips may be correct.
In reality, as shown by the above experimental results, the “law of conservation of energy” based on modern three-dimensional physical calculations has completely collapsed. This is because these physical calculation formulas do not care at all as their foundation the gravitational force that all objects are actually constantly subjected to, and the constant time passing speed in perfect harmony with it, and in the vast majority of cases these factors have been ignored for the convenience of mathematical calculation techniques.

Truth/reality is a four-dimensional world constantly influenced by “time” and “gravity,” and when we try to decipher this four-dimensional real world using three-dimensional mathematics, we end up entering a labyrinth of infinitely complex and bizarre virtual worlds. Scientists and such as people with a higher level of expertise in science are in the ironical situation that unable to discover the existence of this primitive, safe and simple “infinite energy” or how to effectively utilize it due to their own pride on modern scientific thought.

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