Gravity Reactor is not “Perpetual Motive Engine” as generally defined.
Gravity Reactor is powered and driven by Gravity (gravitational acceleration) & Time. So it needs external energy factors such as gravitational acceleration and time to work. And it is continued to exchange to torque from absorbing gravitational acceleration over time.
Definition of the “Perpetual Motive Engine”
According to Wikipedia, Perpetual motion is the motion of bodies that continues forever in an unperturbed system. A perpetual motion machine is a hypothetical machine that can do work indefinitely without an external energy source. This kind of machine is impossible, since its existence would violate the first and/or second laws of thermodynamics.
Perpetual motion engines are also known as “Free Energy Engines,” and as a “dream device” that continues to generate energy without external energy factors, there has been a lot of the stories of fraudulent or fake systems regarding such like dreamily system in the past, not end even now.
Definitely different between Gravity Reactor and Perpetual Motion/Motive Engine
“Perpetual Motion” is said that enables to internally create or amplify energy by itself without external energy supply. But there is no any realistic logic of the amplification or creation, and that is why called it dream or fiction.
Gravity Reactor is driven by “external energy factors” such as gravitational acceleration and time. And the logic is established in classical physics and reproduced in the fact.
Points that are easily misunderstood with
Gravity is free, and Gravity Reactor is to generate energy from free stuff and It actually shows an operation that is worthy of being called a substantial “Free Energy Engine”. However, all what called “Free Energy Engine” have been fake in the past, so such the dreamily name of functional system tends to be suspicious.
“Numbers don’t lie!” is a lie! Mathematics is tool of escape from reality
There are many authoritative mathematicians, economists, and accountants who states clearly that “numbers never lie”. Because of that the reality that all never doubt that numbers and mathematics often lie, and there are far too many scholars and scientists who cannot face this reality and instead use virtual technology to get around it.
The quite clear example that modern mathematical calculating basic logic is hopelessly not still matured is below like the elementary school level calculation test question there.
There are two correct answers for the one simple above test question.
If you first calculate (1 + 2) and then process the whole calculation, the answer will be “1”.
However, if you first calculate 6/2 and then process the whole calculation, the answer will be “9”.
In a survey of tens of thousands of people, 60% answered 1, but 40% answered 9. Even with electronic computer calculations, the answer varies depending on the calculation software. None of the answers are considered to be incorrect according to the rules of mathematics.
Are the resulting digits 1 and 9 a difference that can be recognized as an “allowable error”?
Square root numbers cannot exist in reality, if mathematics is correct.
In square root calculations taught in junior high school mathematics, students learn that the ratio of the lengths of the sides of an isosceles right triangle is 1:1:√2, and that √2 is 1.41421356, but in a two-dimensional equation on the xy axis, the length of the line dividing a square into an isosceles right triangle must be “2” in precise, and the square root numbers of value cannot exist.

Which route is Shorter or Rational?

Suppose there are two downhill routes, a and b, as shown above. Which route will get you to point B faster?
Under the exact same gravitational acceleration environment, route b is longer for the distance between A and B, so mathematically route a will get point B there faster, but in reality route b will reach point B faster. This mathematical contradiction can also be made clear with a simple experiment.
The reason why route b gets to point B faster is because the effective moment vector value of gravitational acceleration on the route b of trajectory is much more effective than route a. It is to be proof that there is other factor to generate energy from gravitational acceleration by devising a dynamic trajectory except the factors of energy exchange of potential energy into kinetic energy in the law of energy conservation.
The reality that the whole universe is filled with energy creation is being ignored
In terms of the universe, far from burning out, the sun grows larger over time, the rotation speed of the planets increases, and it has been actually observed that the entire universe continues to expand at an incredible speed. So the whole universe itself should be called perfect perpetual motive system. If we human can get only one of the factors of creation of energy from the natural space power, we can obtain infinite energy source and infinite power engine. In another point of view, we already obtained perpetual power engine such as Solar/Wind/Hydraulic Generator, but they are just so unstable to use and it seams that we had given up to find other new factor independent from thermal power source. And that seams like the words of law of conservation of energy and perpetual motion are used for excuse to give up.

Does modern human eager to be in dream and can only see a bright future in the virtual world of the dream?
The kinetic energy exerted by terrestrial organisms such as humans, the energy for life support such as cell regeneration, and the energy of thinking are undeniably generated in amounts that cannot be compared to the food calories (input energy) ingested as food in terms of Joule heat, watts, or calorie energy calculations.The energy creativity of the human body is at such an otherworldly level that the law of conservation of energy can be clearly said to be a foolish and unreasonable law.
As depicted in the blockbuster science fiction movie “The Matrix,” humans objectively have mathematically the highest level of energy amplification and generation capability, and this superior energy-creation ability is used to work by artificial intelligence, with humans being cultivated in order to extract mechanical motive energy. This story development bear a close resemblance to the current era in which people are working hard to capitalize on deployment of the AI everywhere in the economic and industrial sectors like self-deprecatingly slaved by machinery. Do most people want to be the tragic hero/heroin of like that movie?