The Singularity of Energy Supply

The singular technology to open New Era & New Affluent Economic Society

Present Major Power Generation

All depending on fuels and thermal energy resources

Gravity Power Generation

Limitless Energy can be extracted inexhaustibly from Gravity

Discovery of Energy Resources / Intensifying conflict over interests

Development & Operation of Mass Producing Refined Fuels

Development & Operation of Transportation System

Development & Operation of Bigger Scale of Steam Engine Facilities


High Temperature > Heat Exchange (Heat Loss)

High Steam Pressure > Pressure Exchange (Pressure Loss)

Pressure Power > Torque Exchange (Torque Loss)

Torque > To Rotate generator (Mechanical Friction Loss)

Generating Electricity at Generator (Flux Loss)



Distribution Facilities

Electricity Supply

Absorbing Gravitational Acceleration (Power Source)

Self-Amplified Torque Power


Electricity or Torque Drive Power Supply

Supplying essential power for modern electronically controlled society

Energy Resource Effective Utilization Rate

(Actual Consumed Calories vs Fuel’s Calories)

Less than 10%

Factors: Many losses in combustion process and every process in every facilities

Main Loss: Accumulated idling time; Electricity cannot be stored in large quantities, and electricity is always generated and transmitted in excess of the actual demand for stable supply within the maximum instantaneous demand, which means that there is an overwhelming amount of idling time(wasteful empty fire).

Energy Resource Effective Utilization Rate

(Output Energy vs Input Energy)

More than 2000 % per hour

(Amplification ratio powered by Gravitational Acceleration)

Factors: Gravity (g: 9.8m/s^2) is Universal, there is no concept or element of idling and theoretically 6000% of amplification per hour is possible in the ideal condition.

Loss Factors: Mechanical friction losses of rotating shafts and gears / Dielectric Efficiency of The Generator.


Limitless Possibilities to rise up much more The Amplification Ratio synergistically as other dimension by The Analogical Flux Space-Time Control Technology as its advancing hereafter.

Merits & Demerits


High instantaneous energy output possible
Generate huge demand for capital investment and employment


Huge capital investments such as building many of advanced processing facilities and systems are required.
Huge operation costs are required for safety and sustainability.
More than 90% of the energy losses in the total generating process such as waste heat at the combustion process are directly impact to natural environment.

Ideology & Reality for Energy Issue

Fire Power = Most Reliable & Stable Energy Power (firm belief)

Higher Temperature&Speed in The Combustion Process = Stabilizing Economic Society

Enhancing firepower (nuclear shift) = Enhancing foundation for economic development = Synergistic increase in waste heat = Impact to Natural Environments = Increasing fatal risks

Merits & Demerits


No fuel is required, and gravity, which is free and inexhaustible, can be used as a source of power.
Compared to thermal power generation, it is the complete opposite of the conventional type that rotates at high speeds due to explosively high temperatures. This gravity reacting system has a structure that self-amplifies the heavy torque of extremely low speed rotations at normal temperatures. It is safe, easy to handle, has no any harmful emission at all, and is semi-permanent operation possible.
No huge initial investment required, easy manufacturing and installation according to demand, flexible scale-up and scale-out possible.
No impact on the natural environment such as waste heat, CO2 emissions, or harmful substance emissions.
Create many jobs as a new business model


It is impossible to generate explosive energy instantaneously.
This is the complete opposite of the current complex ideology of high-tech supremacy, and for better or worse, completely changing the current sense of values in the world could cause huge impact to present various interests.

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